We hereby announce that the periodic financial information at 30 September 2020 is available to the public at the registered office in Ozzano dell'Emilia (BO) - Via Emilia 428/442, as well as on the website www.ima.it, in the Investor Relations section (Financial Reports...
Price Bid/Ask 2.280 / 2.290 52w 1.800 - 2.390 ROE 10.55 P/E 6.33 EPS 35.99 DPS 12.00 DY 5.26% NTA 3.4100 P/B 0.67 RPS 242.88 PSR 0.94 Market Cap 643.5M Shares (mil) 282.23 TopQ QoQ YoY RQoQ RYoY CAGR 3Y 13.3% TTM 16.7% 5Y 4% TTM 21.9% RSI(14) Neutral 65.1 Stochastic...
An ailing financial sector meant that assumptions about the relationship between output, employment and investment could not be made easily, while stock market indices lost what little connection they had once had with their domestic economies. Economic forecasts were increasingly treated with contempt ...
tions, and there’s always a ready stock on hand because Media and sales promotion costs for SMU1 and SMU2 it’s used in many other products. Once product MP is are allocated to product groups and to individual prod- produced, it can be kept frozen for up to one year. These ucts ...
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