小李子 基佬 wonderful 这几个人才是navi核心 那个什么bot IM一佬起来纯副作用 手感不好的时候又喜欢找人对枪 没脑子的 来自Android客户端10楼2024-03-23 04:16 回复 _😃😃😃 火神 11 不光菜 还一直送枪,真的➗ 来自Android客户端11楼2024-03-23 04:19 回复 嗯...
“wonderful”是一个极具表现力的形容词,它在不同语境下可以呈现出多种含义。除了表示“绝妙的、极好的”之外,它还可以用来形容某物或某人令人惊叹、令人愉快或令人满意的特质。例如,在描述一幅画作时,“The painting is wonderful”意味着这幅画非常出色,令人赏心悦目;在形容一个...
navi的主狙在沙2这张地图上能软成这样子还真是活久见了,bit变bot。im可以结束navi的生涯了,没有simple我们都一样,你除外吧。nuke 外场 遗迹中路 都是绝对核心,数据差成这样真的离谱。点赞7评论3评论3 可以啊可以啊 pm赶紧滚吧 第1 楼2024-06-17回复0点赞0 太阳万岁丶 I'm bot Wonderful. 第2 楼2024...
1daful it means wonderful 1V4 One Vs. Four 2 it means to, too, two 20 Location 24/7 Twenty Four Seven, as in all the time 2b To be 2B or not 2B To Be Or Not To Be 2b@ To Be At 2BZ4UQT Too Busy For You Cutey 2B~not2B To be or not to be 2d4 To die for 2day Toda...
Late October2006– exactly six years before Matthias’ death – we drove again to the Lac du Der and spent three wonderful days with a dozen old friends from France, all enthusiastic naturalists and birdwatchers. ParaCrawl Corpus 最受欢迎的查询列表:1K,~2K,~3K,~4K,~5K,~5-10K,~10-20K,~...
bot.createConversation(message, function(err, convo) { // create a path for when a user says YES convo.addMessage({ text: 'You said yes! How wonderful.', },'yes_thread'); // create a path for when a user says NO convo.addMessage({ text: 'You said no, that is too bad.', ...
或“I'm having a wonderful day.”等。这些短语在意思上与“imhappytoday”相近,但表达方式更加多样化和丰富。 在翻译这些类似表达方式时,翻译者需要根据具体语境和表达习惯来选择最合适的翻译方式。例如,“I'm feeling great today.”可以翻译为“我今天感觉很棒”;“I'm in...
(2002): A Tale of Goddesses, Money, and other Terribly Wonderful Things: Spirit Possession, Com- modity Fetishism, and the Narrative of Capitalism in Rajasthan, India. In: American Ethnologist 29, S. 602-636. 4 Vgl. den Titel des folgenden Artikels: Trenk, Marin (2001b): Die sind ja ...
Thanks goes to these wonderful people: License The AList is open-source software licensed under the AGPL-3.0 license. Disclaimer This program is a free and open source project. It is designed to share files on the network disk, which is convenient for downloading and learning golang. Please ...