I am trying to remember, as MH is reminding his distraught wife and daughter,[2]that the blue and red electoral maps do not accurately represent the votes. The winner-take-all, electoral college debacle is one of the U.S. constitution’s (relatively) few but most pernicious evils.[3] M...
My Scientology would-be boytoy was handsome, friendly, and persistent in trying to establish a rapport with me. He began a (one-way) conversation in which he tried to elicit frommoiselfsome hidden reasons as to why I was outside at night, sitting on the grass, alone. Perhaps there was...
He’s thrilled to find out that they’re the same age and eagerly says that they should be friends. Jia tartly refuses (“Would you, if you were me?”) and also doesn’t want to know his name, but he tells her anyway (she’s been addressing him as “guest” so far). Aw, can...
You may protest that you didn’t vote for him, that you are nothing close to being a party bigwig and are only a lowly local office holder and have no sway with the federal wing of your party, etc…. Excuses, schmuses. You are (all) responsible. He ran as a Republican for a rea...