The meaning of ANGELIM is any of several chiefly tropical American trees of the genus Andira; especially : cabbage bark.
Intelligence technology has widely empowered education. As an example, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) can be used in smart education scenarios such as
AnotherSanskritepic,theMahabharata,isoneofthelongestpoemsinworldliteratureandencom- passesanimmenserangeofIndiannarrativesintoaframestoryofaconflictbetweentwosetsof rivalcousins.TheBhagavadGita,whichisembeddedintheMahabharataattheoutset of an 18-day battle between the cousins and their allies, is a dialogue bet...
(meaning how is your health?) it's ok to say I'm good or I'm well, but it helps to know some natives prefer I'm fine, I'm ok, etc. I checked out a good thesauras (, and here's what I found: Notes: using good as an adverb in place of well ("she ...
This is an ancient Hindu festival whose origin date is unknown. But it has the meaning connection to god Shiva, makes the network of devotees of Shiva. It is a major festival in Hinduism, but one that is solemn and marks a remembrance of “overcoming darkness and ignorance” in life and...
Portuguese angelim, from Tamil anjilī-maram, anjalī-maram First Known Use 1805, in the meaning defined above Time Traveler The first known use of angelim was in 1805 See more words from the same year The Ultimate Dictionary Awaits Expand your vocabulary and dive deeper into language with...
The meaning of KLING is a Dravidian probably of Tamil origin of the seaports of southeastern Asia and Malaysia.