优质解答 I m_ade___ a lot of telephone calls. I t_ravelled___ to cities in the USA and many foreign countries like Cina ,Japan and India. 作业帮用户 2016-12-05 举报 其他类似问题 a lot of;lots of;a lot的区别和用法? 2017-11-05 lots of 与a lot of 的区别 2017-10-05 英语...
I thought since Im buying alot Id get a better disount its almost better to place a bid on your running ads instead of buy now but thank you anyways. 喂感谢反应。 那太多是小的。 因为买很多Id的Im在您的赛跑ads得到一更好的disount它几乎更好现在安置出价而不是购买,但是无论如何,感谢您我认为...
ai really dont want anymore flowers...most of them came bent...im very disappointed...thats alot...i want some type of refund with all that shipping you charged me... 我不再真正地想要花…大多数来弯… im非常失望…是很多…我想要退款的一些个类型以所有那运输您充电我… [translate] ...
正在翻译,请等待... [translate] aIdontknow,what to say im just thinking of you alot at this moment Idontknow,说im正义认为什么您很多在这片刻[translate]
能够e.g.Weshallbeabletodealwithallsortsofproblem. 我们应该能够应付各种困难。beableto能够做某事e.g.Iquestionthetruthofthestory.我对这个故事的真实性表示怀疑。5.questionv. 表示疑问;怀疑;提问拓展:question还可做名词,意为“问题”e.g.Peopledon’tliketoaskquestionsaboutmoney.人们不喜欢问钱的问题。构词...
It all sounds highly improbabl ...A Land of Two Peoples
alot of people have left and that kinda sucks. atleast we have new people if you don't know who I am then go to brown dye. I might post a few stories from discord. I Know this might be random with me coming back and I know, but I just want you guys to know...
hang in there...you've got alot of support here!Jay's not a big "80's hair band" fan ...he made it thru Tesla's "love song" but he looked at me as if to say...mom i draw the line with Skid Row...that was it for him...and then the whining started!!!Send me the em...
band/sd sets might be a bit better, but losing grassy glide this gen just really sucks for it. maybe i'll try different sets post-shifts, for now i'd recommend steering clear of this and using a better scarfer. some thoughts on other new mons/ones with new move...
问题描述: 改错题Inthisweek,Ididalotofthings.Onmonday,Iwenttotheclubtoplaythechesswithmyclassmates. 李自育回答: chess前面的the去掉 八字精批八字合婚八字起名八字财运2024运势测终身运姓名详批结婚吉日 您的姓名: 您的性别: 男女 出生日期: 立即测算 ...