Administering IM injections the right way - SC - 1996 () Citation Context ...nto the alternate buttock deep into the gluteal muscle. Nursing texts and scientific literature also state that the ventrogluteal location is the preferred injection site for intramuscular injections =-=[27,28]-=-. ...
Invasion of muscle tissue in addition to dermis and subcutaneous tissue by Basidiobolus haptosporus is reported in a 40-year-old female housewife. This infection followed intramuscular injection injury of the right gluteal region. Oral KI cured the condition completely in 6 months. Intramuscular ...
between the surface of the skin and the nearest edge of muscle at intramuscular injection sites.12 patients had a ventrogluteal site depth of more than 35 mm, the maximum depth of a green needle, and 26 had a ventrogluteal depth of more than 25 mm, the maximum depth of a blue needle....
It is assumed that despite the standardized injection technique and the use of cannulas intended for intramuscular injection, not all doses injected at what seems to be the appropriate site actually reach the gluteal muscle. It is concluded that the determination of S-CK activity after deep ...
kg-1. Highly significant differences (P < 0.001) were found between groups with gluteal or deltoid administration of drugs on the onset of immobilisation effect (71.3 s and 108.3 s, respectively), and immobilisation time (152.7 s and 254.4 s, respectively). In the gluteus muscle group, the ...