I'm a believer yeah yeah yeah yeah G I'm a believer
Im A Believer xAuthor/Artist: smash mouth Title: im a believer Transcribed by: paul Email: aint_life_a_bitc_h@hotmail.com F# C# F# e|-|---|--2--22---4-44---2-22-2-22--|---| B|-|---|--2--22---6-66---2-22-2-22--|---| G|-|---|--3--33---6...
Now I’m a big believer in MFA, and protect as much as possible with it. But I still find it a gigantic Pain-In-The-Ass, and thus struggle to get others to use it. Why? So many things just go wrong at all the wrong times. A simple example? I used to be able to approve ...
Title: I'm a believer solo Album: Last of the Runaways Transcribed by: Geoff Lea Email: Geosouthuk@aol.com As Giant have released a new album III i decided to trawl thru some of the old stuff and this is one kicking solo Trem slurs , bends and high speed fluid legato sextuplets to...