Grajagan Mata Atlântica 21 de June de 2023 Brand,graffic,motion,web CAS4 20 de June de 2023 Brand,motion,web Pedaleiros 20 de June de 2023 Brand Meninos & Meninas 23 de June de 2019 graffic Todas as Coisas Maravilhosas 4 de June de 2019 graffic Prudential Concerts 18 de May de 2019...
Ilusiones Ópticas: Regia di Cristián Jiménez. Con Ivan Alvarez de Araya, Gregory Cohen, Eduardo Paxeco, Paola Lattus.
We resorted to the interpretation of oral stories by "crianceros" - craftsmen settled in Chos Malal- and to an analysis of audiovisual materials, technical reports and photographs from a variety of files.ComerciUniversidadMaríaUniversidadEugenia...
If the assumption of a single mechanism were true, then combining the two illusions in a single visual stimulus or image would produce an interaction in the size of the illusion effect. An experiment is reported in which MLI outward and inward angles were added to segments of the standard ...