DL380G7iLo3升Firmware與降Firmware步驟登入DL380G7iLo3後請點選Administration>>iLOFirmware(可看出當前Firmware版本)>>點選預覽(把更新iLO3檔案上傳) ..
Re: DL360 Gen7 ILO3 unable to load resource I can confirm I have this issue as well, Java version 8 update 211 (build 1.8.0_211-b12) I've ensured the iLO site address is in the Java security exceptions list, but still no dice. System is an HP DL-580 G7, iLO 3 ...
> less /tmp/iloscan.log{{ RIMP} [{{ HSI} ProLiant DL380 G7}] [{{ MP} 1.80 ILOCZ2069K2S4 ILO583970CZ2069K2S4}]} Fabien PERIGAUD -fabien [dot] perigaud [at] synacktiv [dot] com-@0xf4b Alexandre GAZET -alexandre [dot] gazet [at] airbus [dot] com ...
This problem was also reported to HP, but without a solution. We have now found a workaround to fix the problems: 1: Update ILO Firmware to 2.542: Server Shutdown and complete power off3: Disconnect powercable Maybe this is also your solution. Thanks 0 Kudos Reply Kerry Quillen ...