To navigate between the artboards, press the left or the right arrow key to move to the previous or the next artboard, respectively. Alternatively, click anywhere to move to the next artboard. To exit this mode, press Esc key. Note: ...
Create artboard inside another artboard Shift-drag Shift-drag Select multiple artboards in the Artboards panel Ctrl + click Command + click Navigate to next document Ctrl + F6 Command + F6 Navigate to previous document Ctrl + Shift + F6 Command + Shift + F6 Navigate to next document...
With the Star Tool, drag on the Artboard (do not release the mouse yet), pressUporDownarrow to add/subtract sides. Notes: this shortcut can also works for the Arc, Spiral, Rectangle Grid, Polar Grid, Polygon, and Flare Tool. Inner Radius With the Star Tool, drag on the Artboard (do...
By default, Adobe Illustrator opens with a white artboard. Technically the artboard is transparent, but white is what’s used to indicate the space that the artboard represents. What if you want to use a color other than white though? In this tutorial I’ll be demonstrating how to change t...
To navigate between the artboards, press the left or the right arrow key to move to the previous or the next artboard, respectively. Alternatively, click anywhere to move to the next artboard. To exit this mode, press Esc key. Note: No other keyboard shortcut works when you are in Presen...
141958000 - 0x141987fff com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.KeyboardShortcuts (Keyboard Shortcuts version 29.0.1) <7f1179b9-9b7d-3501-aaa3-fbcfc606e1b8> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator 2025/Adobe
When you're ready to start editing your artboard layout equip the artboard tool from the tools palette. You can find the tool palette on the left side of Illustrator when using the default layout. See the image below for what this tool currently looks like. Also, the keyboard shortcut for...
Once you're done, select and group all its composing shapes using the Control-G keyboard shortcut, before moving on to the next step. Step 5 Once we’ve finished working on the vase, we can now add the foreground line using a 160 px wide, 2 px thick Stroke line (#2A323D...
Tip:Grouping and ungrouping objects are two common Illustrator commands. I suggest getting used to the keyboard shortcuts for them — Ctrl/Cmd + G (Group) and Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + G (Ungroup). In this instance, the keyboard shortcut will be easier because we are going to have to ungroup...
Try not to get discouraged by all that grid—it will make your work easier, and keep in mind that you can easily enable or disable it using the Control-" keyboard shortcut. You should also open the Info panel (Window > Info) for a live preview with the size and position of your ...