Just to be sure, Daniel, take the selection arrow, do not select anything, and check what the Property panel looks like. If the middle right icon for pixel alignment is switch ON, then all new objects will be drawn and aligned to a pixel grid. And 300 mm indeed becomes exactly 299,86...
Pixels) { ACTIVE_UNITS = "px"; ACTIVE_UNITS_VALUE = 4; } return true; } function GET_ACTIVE_UNITS(N) { if (N == 0) { return "mm"; } if (N == 1) { return "cm"; } if (N == 2) { return "pt"; } if (N == 3) { return "in"; } if (N == 4) { return "...
i'm new to illustrator and i really would like to know how can you guys and gals export a logo in jpg with specific dimensions.I have this file that i set 100mm wide and 30mm high but when i export it as jpg it changes its dimensions (it is too big or too small ...
(ACTIVE_UNITS == 'mm') { k = 0.352777777777778 } if (ACTIVE_UNITS == 'cm') { k = 0.0352777777777778 } if (ACTIVE_UNITS == 'px') { k = 1 } d = parseFloat(txt) * k; if (isNaN(d)) { d = 0; exit_if_bad_input = true; return; } return d; } function TEXT_TO_POINTS...
as("mm"); v = v.toFixed(decimals); unitsLabel = " mm"; break; case RulerUnits.Centimeters: v = new UnitValue(v, "pt").as("cm"); v = v.toFixed(decimals); unitsLabel = " cm"; break; case RulerUnits.Pixels: v = new UnitValue(v, "pt").as("px"); v = v.toFixed(...
1.算法程序 illustrator是矢量编辑软件,画板是绘制处理的重要容器,在印刷方面的一个重要功能就是标注尺寸,开发一个尺寸标注功能,以下功能仅用于学习交流,请勿用于非法用途,源代码如下所示: if(app.documents.length>0){vardoc=activeDocument;varselectedItems=parseInt(doc.selection.length,10)||0;varsetUnits...
Cm mm inches points agates are definitive measurements. If you try to translate pixels to a physical distance it will not give you an absolute measurement. What you might be able to do is test this on Device Central if there is a profile for the device you are working to implement the...
首选项改完之后单位还是pt 可以试试Ctrl+R打开标尺,右键改为毫米