I’ve always absolutely loved the under-sides of mushrooms, how delicate, intricate and soft and unique that part is. I’m also fascinated by the incredible varieties of mushrooms and amazing colors that are found in nature – so yes there is some fetish there for sure! 5. Alot of your ...
Solved: I'm experiencing an issue in Illustrator where the colors on screen slightly flicker or shift in value. It is especially noticeable on bright, - 11816179
Suddenly, my head was filled with ideas for names, colors, words, and patterns. Of course, it took a while for all the pieces to come together. But, looking back, the book title and main character’s name really helped the story take shape. While the title didn’t change, the jacket...
A futuristic trek to a far distant world painted with electrifying colors. In case you didn't know, Deimos is a Martian moon. "Let's Rock and Roll Baby" For many years, this painting adorned the hallway as you entered JGF's studio. "July Magic" This breezy piece is on display at ...
When shading the tongue, I make a dark to medium gray object with the Pen Tool, and then I add points of lighter gray with the Mesh Tool.A good way to keep control over the overall look of your image is to make a grayscale palette from which you pick your colors. By limiting ...
Group, I just got CS4 and I am working in RGB and when I hit D to set default colors the black is not black... It is a dark grey. Basically the same if you - 2170932
You can do so by drawing two lines across the shape, selecting the shape and the lines, and then dividing them with the Divide command in the Pathfinder Panel. Color each part differently by selecting them with the Direct Selection Tool (A) and choosing your colors. Then set the layer mo...
It will then open up a new editor in which you can do all sorts of amazing stuff with vectors. You can see below in my example I uploaded the Vectr SVG logo and was able to easily manipulate the layer colors within a second. You could even design your featured image for your WordPress...
, curves, desaturate, and shift to color. These are incredible tools that allow me to easily modify colors of artwork and everything in non-destructive which means I can easily go back to the original colors, or expand the artwork and have the colors permanently changed to the new colo...
In Illustrator a selected point is dark (filled) and non-selected points are hollow.To digitize letter shapes from a photo, set Fill to “None”. Set Stroke to a thin line in a color that contrasts well with the colors in the photo....