The Nexus of Emotion and Proclamation Charlie Dates More Preaching Articles Featured Podcasts Discovering Humor in the Bible with Jelani Greenidge Steve Carter The Heartbeat of a Local Pastor with Tyler Gorsline Steve Carter The Role of the Pastor with Diane Langberg ...
I read the Quran and the Bible, and in the Quran it says that Mohammad does return as it's in the Bible that Jesus Christ returns. I not claiming to be super awesome, Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. In 1997 I had a dream that left a profound impact on me and stil...
Illustrations can be found all around us. I believe that God has designed our universe in such a way that the smallest things, like a drop of dew on the grass, to the largest and most complex, like the far away stars and galaxies, can help us bring the heart and the attributes of t...
The angels we are told about in the Bible are Michael and Gabriel. Catholic tradition also includes Rafael; however, the Bible has no record of this angel. Therefore, the only two angels that are given a name in the Bible are Michael and Gabriel. Both are seen as obeying God, serving...
In a world of pale xeroxed artists who seem to exist at least four generations from anything remotely innovative, Blas Gallego is a rich, resplendent, and lively original!A self-taught fantasy art master, Blas has spent much of his life in the pursuit of his passion for painting. At an ...
Natural history of the Holy Land, and other places mentioned in the Bible: By Lucy Barton: With poetical illustrations, original and selected. By Bernard BartonBarton, Bernard
Feature expository notes for the bible-teaching pastor Help explain the timeless message of the Bible in a relevant manner Are indexed by topic and easily searchable Provide 36 four to eight week series of messages Are easy to adapt for your particular needs ...
The Christian must not be unsettled for the bible is clear on where all this is going. This examines the SIGNS OF THE TIMES that Jesus spoke about. We are in the last days of the Church age. CRITICALLY READING THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES IN THE LAST DAYS This is an important posting. ...
The officer in charge became enraged. He demanded that the missing shovel be produced, or else. When nobody in the squadron budged, the officer got his gun and threatened to kill them all on the spot . . . It was obvious the officer meant what he had said. Then, finally, one man ...