dnd-5e-2014 magic-items illusion 4 edited title Link edited Nov 19, 2019 at 15:09 Someone_Evil ♦ 48.9k 8 169 260 Question about what a "Deck Can Deck of Illusions" can reallyIllusion illusions do non-harmful actions? 3 deleted 7 characters in body Source Link edited Nov...
Magic Mouth (Ritual) Illusion Level:2 Casting time:1 Minute Range:30 feet Components:V, S, M (a small bit of honeycomb and jade dust worth at least 10 gp, which the spell consumes) Duration:Until dispelled You implant a message within an object in range, a message that is uttered whe...
Strong illusion; CL 13th;Craft Staff,disguise self,major image,mirror image,persistent image,project image,rainbow pattern;Price 65,000 gp. Back toMain Page→3.5e Open Game Content→System Reference Document→Magic Items Open Game Content(place problems on thediscussionpage).Expand ...
0.0 (0) 游戏 一周一更 Total Party Thrill is a podcast for GMs and players where we discuss our campaigns in order to inspire yours. Each episode begins with a short recap of an installment of our home campaigns, including the "Mourning Glory" Dungeons & Dragons 5E Eberron campaign and "...