temporary and that He would send them help. The help He was referring to was the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Then He said to them: “Do not fear, for by the help of He Who I will send to you, you will not be alone. I will always be with you in the Form of the Holy Spirit....
These three soon to be deacons are about to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and the blessing of the Church to empower them for ministry. That gift will not only break them open, but through them all of us will be broken open, too. May the diakonia of Jesus and the light of ...
(Not including the excellent videos or in depth section of verses pertaining to the Name of YHWH at the end.) There is only one thing to remember at all times; This site is about REality, NOT REligion. Those who REalize that will love it. Those who don’t will come to hate it, and...