The difference between two colors can be expressed by distance in color space ΔE.75–77 In CIE76, Delta E (or CIE dE 76) is obtained by using coordinates L1∗, a1∗, b1∗ and L2∗, a2∗, b2∗ of the two colors in question: (21.10)ΔE=(L2∗−L1∗)2+(a2∗...
Duin where ξ is a measurement made on a perfectly calibrated device, t is a parameter responsible for the imprecisions in sensor calibration and θ is a set of parameters which defines intra- and inter-class variability. The distribution of the "observed" η can be expressed in terms of ...
of the object centroidΔT∈ ℝ3×1 and the rotation vectorΔΩ∈ ℝ3×1 about the centroid in the camera frame) from time t1 to new time instance t2 = t1 + δt is small, then up to a first-order approximation, the reflectance image I(x, y) at t2 can be expressed as ...
These two components were enhanced by MHE and then linearly combined to result in the final output of HMHE. Based on the flowchart, assuming a compression rate of 1/4 and the kernel range within [a, b], the computational complexity of HMHE can be expressed as the following: 𝖮(𝐻...
The 3D image D(r, z) can be expressed in the form: 𝐷(𝒓,𝑧)=[𝐼(𝒓,𝑧)𝑆(𝒓,𝑧)]⊗ℎ(𝒓,𝑧),D(r,z)=[I(r,z)S(r,z)]⊗h(r,z), (1) where h(r, z) represents the 3D point spread function (PSF) of the system, and the symbol ⊗ denotes ...
aq. any award in the courts of the Peoples’ Republic of China in respect of a claim brought with regard to the Financial Agreement may be expressed in RMB or US Dollars; and q. 任何奖在人民’中华民国的法院关于要求带来关于财政协议也许被表达以RMB或美元; 并且[translate] ...
For a given speckle illumination, the captured image, Ifluo, can be expressed as a linear superposition of those fingerprints with different weights. Thus, the camera image is given by: $${I}_{fluo}(r,t)=\mathop{\sum }\limits_{k=1}^{P}{w}_{k}(r){h}_{k}(t),$$ (1) ...
To correct the light intensity at each point, the beads should be thick on the focal plane. Then interpolation is used to compensate the gap of beads to form a light intensity map of calibang1, calibang2 and calibang3. The calibration ratio of calib1 and calib2 can be expressed as: ...
The particle image density, expressed in particles per pixel (ppp), is estimated at \(ppp \!=\! 0.014\) and includes a small amount (O[1%]) of random events, which are triggered randomly on the sensor array (shot noise). Event data captured of the turbulent channel flow condition ...
The units of OPD can be expressed as distance, fractions of a wavelength or their radian or degree equivalents. (b) For a nonuniform object, such as a whole cell, light can experience different phase shifts as it passes through regions of different refractive index. The optical path in ...