even if illmatic was the archetypal cassette album (along with the purple tape). it's best heard by ignoring the dogma, culture wars, nas clones, and would-be saviors that have accreted since april of 1994. who cares whether it's the greatest rap album of all-time or not? it's an ...
Nas 嘻哈/说唱 · 1994年 试听 在首张专辑的第四首歌里,Nas 向听众宣告“世界是你的”(The world is yours),但他错了。他证明了这个世界属于 Nas,属于这个来自纽约 Queensbridge 廉租住宅区的说唱天才。《Illmatic》很快便被圈内人奉为珍宝,而在接下来的岁月里,这张专辑对整个 Hip-Hop 音乐的影响将会...
Illmatic is the debut studio album by American rapper Nas. It was released on April 19, 1994, by Columbia Records. After signing with the label with the help of MC Serch, Nas recorded the album in 1992 and 1993 at Chung King Studios, D&D Recording, Battery Studios, and Unique Recording ...
1744 -- 1:03 App 【韵脚解析】Nas Is Like——Nas拯救一张专辑的佳作 2.2万 22 4:19 App 【中英字幕】Nas - Halftime,「illmatic」又一经典 3000 3 2:49:53 App 【绝对狠货】Big L - Once Again (Full Album) 152 -- 1:13:32 App {专辑}Fugees - The Score (Full Album) 575 1 1:...
Nas 嘻哈/说唱 · 1994年 在首张专辑的第四首歌里,Nas 向听众宣告“世界是你的”(The world is yours),但他错了。他证明了这个世界属于 Nas,属于这个来自纽约 Queensbridge 廉租住宅区的说唱天才。《Illmatic》很快便被圈内人奉为珍宝,而在接下来的岁月里,这张专辑对整个 Hip-Hop 音乐的影响将会逐渐显...
Nas 嘻哈/说唱 · 1994年 试听 对中产阶级的失望,对犯罪率直线上升的担忧,这些话题即使在今天也一样振聋发聩,Nas 在 21 岁发行的首张专辑《Illmatic》,不论在音乐、叙述或是社会性,在嘻哈史上都有自身意义。受父亲影响,Nas 将爵士元素融入嘻哈,是这张专辑在说唱风格上的突破与闪光之处。Nas 用诗歌般...
Illmatic is the debut studio album by American rapper Nas. It was released on April 19, 1994, by Columbia Records. After signing with the label with the help of MC Serch, Nas recorded the album in 1992 and 1993 at Chung King Studios, D&D Recording, Battery Studios, and Unique Recording ...
Nas 嘻哈/说唱 · 1994年 在首张专辑的第四首歌里,Nas 向听众宣告“世界是你的”(The world is yours),但他错了。他证明了这个世界属于 Nas,属于这个来自纽约 Queensbridge 廉租住宅区的说唱天才。《Illmatic》很快便被圈内人奉为珍宝,而在接下来的岁月里,这张专辑对整个 Hip-Hop 音乐的影响将会逐渐显...
表演者:Nas 流派:说唱 专辑类型:专辑 介质:CD 发行时间:2014-04-04 出版者:索尼音乐 唱片数:1 条形码:0886444072496 豆瓣评分 暂无评分 想听在听听过 评价: 写短评 写乐评 加入豆列 分享到 推荐 简介· ··· Illmatic is the debut studio album by American rapper Nas. It was released on April 19, 1...