The illite-smectite mixed-layer clay faux-bronze sculpture powder is prepared by subjecting ingredients of a semi-finished product of the illite-smectite mixed-layer clay faux-bronze sculpture powder to stirring and milling; then mixing the ingredients of the illite-smectite mixed-layer clay faux-..., Illite–Smectite and Smectite–Chlorite Mixed-Layer Clay Minerals Illitewas the most common diagenetic product, and I–Sm mixed-layer minerals were the main indicators of diagenetic evolution of a sedimentary basin (Dudek and Srodon, 2003). Duringburial diagenesis, there was a gradu...
1) illite/smectite 伊/蒙间层2) irregular illit/smectite interstratified clay mineral 伊/蒙间层矿物3) Illite Smectite (I S) 伊-蒙混层 1. The test results show that the Yuan Baoshan red soil contains Illite Smectite (I S) and has a pore fissure structure, and it is characterized by...
伊蒙混层粘土矿物研究现状与展望 Research status of illite-smectite mixed-layer mineral and its prospect 下载积分: 3000 内容提示: 第26卷第4期2009年12月河北工程大学学报( 自然科学版)J oum alofH ebeiU ni versi tyofE, ci neeri , 培( N aturalSci enceEdi ti on)v01.26N 0.4D ec.2009文章编号...
6)illite smectite mixed layer clay伊蒙混层粘土 1.Based on the sectioned quantitative study of XRD data of clay minerals in argillites from two wells in Zhujiangkou Basin,it is proved that the increase of the ratio of illite and smectite layer contents in illite smectite mixed layer clay(I/...
4) smectite-illite transformation 蒙皂石向伊利石转化 1. Dissolution-precipitation model forsmectite-illite transformation; 蒙皂石向伊利石转化的溶解沉淀模型 5) illite/smectite interlaying 伊/蒙混层比 1. The quantitative study is conduted on the XRD data of clay minerals in 15 mudstone samples from...
Weathering profiles developed on the top surface of a bentonite (containing Al-Mg montmorillonite) and a K-bentonite (containing mixed-layer illite-smectite (I-S)) under Central European temperate conditions were studied by XRD, HRTEM, FTIR, K-Ar and chemical analyses. Weathering of montmorillonite...
In particular, original clay parageneses are described including the systematic presence of illite, kaolinite, chlorite and a mixed layer containing kaolinite and expandable layers (K-Exp). In contrast to previous descriptions, the early stages of smectite illitization are characterized by the ...
使用高分辨率扫描电镜和图像分析技术对章村伊利石矿中主要粘土矿物的微观形貌特征进行了研究。结果表明:1) 伊利石的镜下形貌一般呈弯曲的鳞片状,也有的呈叶片状;2) 伊/蒙混层矿物主要有带状薄片,片状边缘有丝状,部分呈尖角直边的鳞片状;3) 叶腊石多呈鳞片状,有的呈板
Role of microbes in the smectite-to-illite reaction. The nature of interlayering in mixed-layer illite-mont-morillonites. The evolution of illite to muscovite: mineralogical and isotopic data from the Glarus Alps, Switzerland An experimental study of illite dissolution kinetics as a function of ph...