You do not have to pay back money that you received in unemployment benefits — unless you received benefits despite being ineligible, or you received more money than you should have. In such cases, your state's unemployment compensation agency may require you to repay the extra money. You ma...
Application for unemployment benefits can be filed at the local office and also online on the IDESwebsite. The form should be submitted with driver’s license, social security number, recent employment and number of weeks earning $484 or more. If you qualify to receive the benefits, it can ...
Crystal radios were some of the first radios that grabbed a signal from broadcasting stations and played the sound through amplifiers. They were popular in the '20s and '30s but faded out, except in the form of toys. The Tinymite Radiowas manufactured in 1948and became immediately popular. 1...
"We look at the status of the economy in our country – we're the top economy in the world. We've made more progress than any other country after the pandemic. Unemployment is around and under 4 percent, and has been that way now for more than two years straight, and we survived th...
"We look at the status of the economy in our country – we're the top economy in the world. We've made more progress than any other country after the pandemic. Unemployment is around and under 4 percent, and has been that way now for more than two years straight, and we survived th...