Standards for admissions steepen in many majors at Illinois State U.Michael Bishop
Exceeding Illinois Prairie State StandardsTHERESA RINIKER
Professional Testing Practices for Educators Spring 2008 Illinois State Board of EducationStandards, IllinoisTest, Achievement
State Curriculum GuidesState StandardsEducational PolicyEducational PracticesCurriculum DesignCurriculum DevelopmentAdministrative PrinciplesAdministrative OrganizationCase StudiesNational Curriculum(2016). State-based curriculum-making: the Illinois Learning Standards. Journal of Curriculum Studies: Vol. 48, Organizing ...
Treworgy, Janis DVaiden, Robert CChrzastowski, Michael J
Area Students Do Well on First Prairie State Exam Most Meet or Exceed Illinois StandardsByline: Shruti Date and Erin Holmes Daily Herald Staff Writers A majority of Northwest...Date, ShrutiHolmes, Erin
Illinois will add names to HIV tracking system; State must comply with CDC standards or risk losing fundingASSOCIATED PRESS
On the other hand, the use of ELA standards in schools was significantly related to ELA assessment but not to instruction and curriculum. The results are interpreted in the light of the current educational policy context that provides strong accountability systems and supports for the well-...