The Illinois Police Officers’ Pension Investment Fund announce at a board of trustees meeting Friday that it has narrowed its selection for a private markets consultant to two firms, Albourne Partners Ltd. and Callan LLC. The consultant will help IPOPIF build a strategy to invest in the pri...
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. - After addressing Illinois' own employee pension crisis, lawmakers now face...Koop, Chacour
Morales v. Illinois State Police et al U.S. District Courts | Illinois Central District Court | Prisoner | 2:22-cv-02030 | 02/04/2022 DOCKET 03/07/2022 TEXT ORDER OF REASSIGNMENT ENTERED BY CHIEF JUDGE SARA DARROW ON MARCH 7, 2022. THIS CASE IS REASSIGNED TO CHIEF JUDGE SARA DARROW ...
…according to Moody’s, state pension debt is nearly $300 billion, and state and local shortfalls reached $530 billion four years ago. By the way, it’s not just horrible fiscal policy. You can make a strong argument that Illinois is even worse when it comes to education policy. Under...
it up at a Town Council session nearly three years ago. Huhn said the Town has earmarked $2.1 million for the upcoming budget year. Council Member Scott Preston reminded Huhn that when it came to Town Police and Fire Pensions, “There’s never enough funding ‘til we get to 100 percent....
(they don't). We want the free shampoos that we get to steal, don't take this away from us lawmakers in the Land of Lincoln, leave it alone. Focus on figuring out how to handle the state pension crisis, and how we are dealing with the thousands of migrants being dropped off in ...
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) --The Illinois Legislature approved a historic plan Tuesday to eliminate the state's $100 billion pension shortfall, a vote that proponents described as critical to repairing the state's deeply troubled finances but that faces the immediate threat of a legal challenge from...
We provide appellate, litigation, and prosecutorial services in administrative, state, and federal courts on behalf of local governments, public employees, and private clients. We prosecute and defend litigation involving civil rights, police misconduct, personal injury torts, pension liability, FOIA, OM...
Clearly that is double dipping from the state/government because the overhead of these attorney and their corrupt agencies–OPG and OSG has already been paid by the taxpayer! That’s right, you the taxpayer pay to ruin families and destroy lives to a state agency, and then they turn around...
Illinois State Police arrested Reick for DUI in Springfield on May 2. He took a breath test that showed his breath-alcohol concentration was 0.146 percent, nearly twice the legal limit. Dashcam video showed the Republican from Woodstock stumbling and admitting that he had too much to drink. ...