In “True Detective” season three, the action moved to Arkansas as state police detective Wayne Hays, played by Mahershala Ali, investigates the disappearance of two local children in 1980. Much of the show was filmed around Fayetteville, Arkansas, including an old-fashioned restaurant called Herm...
In “True Detective” season three, the action moved to Arkansas as state police detective Wayne Hays, played by Mahershala Ali, investigates the disappearance of two local children in 1980. Much of the show was filmed around Fayetteville, Arkansas, including an old-fashioned restaurant called Herm...
(AP) — A western Indiana sheriff's deputy was shot Friday evening, police said. A Vermillion County deputy was shot while law enforcement officers were involved in a car chase that started in Illinois, Sgt. Matt Ames of the Indiana State Police said. The shooting occurred ne...
In 2014, a grand jury failed to indict the police officer who killed an unarmed teenager named Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., touching off sometimes-violent protests both in the poor Missouri town itself and across the country, as illustrated by this New York Post headline. The incident, as...
The incident, as reported by the New York Post, caused outrage not only because it was yet another in a long line of police killings of black men that went unpunished, but because of the police response to civilian protests. The Black Lives Matter movement gained strength as the country ...
The Bureau of Justice Statistics indicates that in 2016 there weremore than 12,000 police departments in operationthroughout the United States. The number includes tribal police but does not include sheriffs' offices, which are typically run by counties or other state subdivisions rather than local...
- Civilian population with health insurance: 98.3% - Unemployment rate: 2.7% - Families with income below poverty level: 0.6% Located in Washington County, Arkansas, the small town of Goshen is considered to be the wealthiest in the state. One of the main reasons for this is likely ahigh ...
But still, most Americans have a Daniel Cook, a firearms expert and law enforcement great deal of respect for police officers, and if the cops training professional, estimates that approximately tirelessly working the streets of their town or city are 85% of the officers (federal, state, ...