First Responder's Surviving Spouse Tax Abatement Refunds Refund Informational Videos Overpayment Refund Search Overpayment Refund Status Search How to Apply for a Property Tax Refund Uncashed Check Search Property Tax Appeal Board Decisions Estate Search Services for Seniors Exemptions The Senior Citizen...
Andrew Grau was one of 150 high school seniors selected from an initial pool of more than 105,000 applications from across the county. News Car crashes into Rock Island Animal Hospital lobby Updated: Feb. 24, 2025 at 5:29 AM GMT+8| By KWQC Staff According to a Facebook post, the hosp...
Sturm hinted there could be some good news for state finances when income tax revenue is reported at the end of April. She said state officials are expecting a “pretty significant April tax payment,” which could cause state officials to reevaluate their revenue projections for the current fisc...
Bills for general property taxes due from prior tax years (Redemption, Forfeiture Redemption or Open Item bills from Tax Year 2021 and prior) must be obtained through the Cook County Clerk's Office, 118 North Clark Street, Room 434, Chicago, IL 60602. Forfeiture Redemption and Open Item bill...
*What else is up in the air: The tax hikes almost certainly won’t pass without resolution of Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner’s economic items. Differences remain on a property tax freeze. A four-year freeze is agreed to, but House Speaker Michael Madigan wants exemptions for Chicago Public...
Home based care and services, including caregivers for adults, seniors, and people with developmental disabilities. Residential facilities and sheltersfor people with developmental disabilities, substances abuse disorders, and/or mental illness. Professional service, including legal, accounting, insurance, rea...