An administrator in K12 collaboration from a medium-sized rural community college mentioned that “Smaller school districts have few math teachers, and they cannot just attend the professional development [instead of being in class].” Three other participants wondered if virtual courses and more ...
As SEI continues, its goal remains constant: to provide visual resources professionals with a substantive educational and professional development opportunity focused on digital imaging, the information and experience needed to stay current in a rapidly changing field, and the opportunity to create a net...
Teaching the Illinois Social-Emotional Learning Standards through the Circle of Courage FrameworkWhitten Carey, Catherine Ann
2013: Death in Custody Reporting Act The Death in Custody Reporting Act of 2013 mandated that all states report certain required information on the death of any person who is detained, arrested, en route to incarceration, or incarcerated in state or local facilities or a boot camp prison. The...
ESB Professional // Shutterstock 2014: Digital Accountability and Transparency (DATA) Act Despite acting as an amendment to the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act passed in 2006, the Digital Accountability and Transparency (DATA) Act is the first open data law in the United States....
ESB Professional // Shutterstock 2014: Digital Accountability and Transparency (DATA) Act Despite acting as an amendment to the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act passed in 2006, the Digital Accountability and Transparency (DATA) Act is the first open data law in the United States....
(4/4 slides) Purpose: How to use Guskey’s Critical Levels of Professional development to assess PD in your building/district Resources: Participant Manual Coaching Section p. 47 Lecture Notes: Examine Guskey’s model for evaluating PD. Use the model to assess your district/building PD. How...
Self-Assessment Implementation Areas Consensus Building and Collaboration Standards-Based Curriculum and Research-Based Instruction Research-Based Assessment Practices Student Intervention/Problem Solving Team Process Intervention Strategy Identification Resources Allocation Ongoing Professional Development for Effective Rt...
Teaching assistants held to high set of standards by U. Illinois administrationErin Anadkat
Treworgy, Janis DVaiden, Robert CChrzastowski, Michael J