Byline: Tara Malone Daily Herald Staff Writer So much for papier-mache and Play Doh. By...Malone, Tara
It has its own building in Oak Lawn suburb that includes church hall and Lithuanian kindergarten. The building has been acquired from another Protestant community in 1973 when the parish relocated to this suburb from Chicago. As such, the building itself has no Lithuanian details but the interior...
Zion Lithuanian Lutheran church is the older one, dating to 1910 when it has been established by Martynas Keturakaitis, a priest from Tauragė. It has its own building in Oak Lawn suburb that includes church hall and Lithuanian kindergarten. The building has been acquired from another Protest...
The influence of direct vocabulary instruction in reading proficiency in kindergarten and first grade Purpose. The purpose of this study was to identify the instructional strategies in vocabulary development used by effective kindergarten and first grade te... JA Iman - Dissertations & Theses - Gradwor...
Department of Energy’sArgonne National Laboratory, southwest of Chicago. TheUniversity of Chicago Laboratory Schools, begun in 1896 by American educatorJohn Dewey, offer aprogressive educationprogram for students from kindergarten throughhigh school....