The article reports that the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) has launched a new integrated health care program to reform health care delivery for seniors and disabled people in Illinois. The HFS awarded the Medicaid pilot five-year contract to Aetna and Centene-Illini...
Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services Local: (217) 782-4977 Local Notes: 8008436154 Local TDD: (800) 547-0466 Tollfree: (800) 226-0768 Tollfree TDD: (800) 526-5812 Are you familiar with the Illinois Area Agencies on the Aging and all the assistance the...
Using the HFS Provider Directory TheIllinois Department of Healthcare and Family Servicesruns a provider directory website with a Medicaid doctors list. When you visit the HFS provider directory, you'll see options to view a full of list providers, search by a provider's national provider number...
application.TheProviderInformationSheetistobereviewedforaccuracyandusedasa referenceinpreparingclaimforms.ReportingofdiscrepanciesorchangestotheinformationoriginallysubmittedtoHFS aretobenotedontheProviderInformationSheetandmailedtotheaddressbelow.AnupdatedProviderInformation Sheetwillthenbemailedtotheparticipatingproviderand...
improveservicesforpersonswithAutismSpectrumDisorder(ASD)andtheirfamilies. TheAutismTaskForce(ATF)anditsworkingcommitteeshavecontinuedtoworkthisyearonbehalf ofpersonswithASDandtheirfamilies,providingvaluableinputandguidancetotheDepartmentsof HumanServices(DHS),HealthcareandFamilyServices(HFS),andtheIllinoisStateBoardof...
The article offers information on the vote by the Illinois legislature against enacting the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) implementing rules on the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA), which can put a risk to the Illinois federal Medicaid funds....
000 Homesteadproperty Personaleffectsandhouseholdgoods Motorvehicle Lifeinsurance(withrestrictions) Burialfundsandburialspace Self-supportresources Page4 SupplementalNeedsTrusts May20,2008 Losebenefits Disinheritchild HistoricalChoices Page5 SupplementalNeedsTrusts May20,2008 Trust...