police chief accused of taking motorcycles Updated: Nov. 22, 2024 at 6:47 AM GMT+8| By Jill Lyman The former Wayne City Police Chief is accused of selling items, that had been confiscated by the department, for his personal benefit. Illinois News Wife of murdered Ill. judge won’t ...
U.S. Supreme Court Passes on State Rifle Assoc. Request for Emergency Relief from Pritzker’s Weapons Ban, Justice Thomas Calls Portions of Law “Nonsensical” July 8, 2024 Naples-based Chicago Radio Host Dan Proft Posts Comment Fantasizing About Dying in Shootout with Chicago Police, Despite...
Illinois -- Mayor, police chief, 11 others indicted in gambling probeEd Fanselow
The Chief Magistrate Judge is the Hon. Eric I. Long, located at the Urbana Courthouse. You can reach the Chief Magistrate Judge by calling (217) 373-5839 or faxing (217) 373-5840. The U.S. Attorney for the Central District of Illinois is Gregory K. Harris, who previously served as ...
“The problem is these fines go unpaid, and the bad actors continue to be just that,” said Ruben Ramirez Jr., Chief of Police at Illinois Commerce Commission Police. “They ignored the citations we write and continue illegal operations, and because of the way the current towing safety towi...
IPOPIF issued arequest for proposals in September 2024for this consultant. The fund is a consolidation of more than 300 local police pension funds, consolidated via a process that began in 2022 and was completed in December 2024. For more stories like this, sign up for the CIO Alert newsl...
Central Illinois Conceal Carry Instructors are: Illinois State Police Conceal Carry Instructors, NRA Certified Instructors, NRA Chief Range Safety Officers, Glock Operators, Glock Armorers, Glock Shooting Sports Foundation Life Members, Affiliate Instructors for Next Level Training, Homeland Security FEMA Ce...
The judge's ruling means the end to cash bail will not take effect in 65 counties that had sued to block that provision of the SAFE-T Act. Other provisions of the law, including body camera requirements for police departments, and new police training mandates, will go into effect as plan...
DEKALB, IL – Two outstanding student editors will receive scholarships from the Northern Illinois News Association for their extraordinary work and commitment to the highest standards of journalistic excellence. NINA Board President John Lampinen announced that Sarah Lin, co-editor-in-chief of the New...
—Chicago watchdog warns Police Department that crowd management training is ‘insufficient’ ahead of convention,by the Tribune’s A.D. Quig and Sam Charles — In Milwaukee:Guns will be allowed while hard water bottles, tennis balls are banned in area outside of the security perimeter:...