(“FOIA”) request within five (5) days after Village issues notice of such request. Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Village, and agrees to pay all reasonable costs connected therewith (including, but not limited to reasonable attorney’s and witness fees, filing ...
The Board of Medicine first began the process of drafting the rule in August following a request from state Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo to devise rules to block medical professionals from providing such treatments for youth. Di Leo: Repeating History Doesn’t HAVE to be a Bad Thing… ...
Update on Recent FOIA and OMA Illinois Supreme Court and Attorney General OpinionsSchuster, Benjamin
Long after the February 24, 2020, meeting the letter below was discovered via a FOIA request made to the Illinois Housing Development Agency (IHDA): degroot-manning-emails-feb-2020-donatiiiiion-permit-fee-waiverDownload The document below was also acquired via FOIA from IHDA. “11831” was Em...
Many universities use the public affairs/relations office to handle FOIA.; In creating the FOIA, the legislature left no one in charge of overseeing it. In effect, each requester became the attorney general for the state, with the costly option of taking cases to court when not obtaining ...