and the work of Illinois Appellate Court Justice James A. Knecht. Also, this Web site includes the recollections of Lincolnites from three generations: family history written by my grandmothers and Uncle Gilbert "Gib" Wilson (1928--2005), oral history from my father, and memoir I have written...
On January 16, 2013 the court heard testimony on pending Motions in the case of the seatbelt ticket that Prairie Grove Police Officer James G. Page wrongfully issued to me. Those who testified included myself, my wife, my brother-in-law, and Officer James G. Page. Immediately after the h...
historical play titled "Mr. Lincoln Rallies Logan County, Illinois, in 1858." The article, which will have a link to this Web page, will be submitted to one of the two major academic journals specializing in Illinois history. These are refereed journals...
The Supreme Court amends its rules from time to time, so you should always consult the most recent version, which can be found on the Illinois Courts' website, click on "Rules" under Quick Links. Also, a few procedural rules varyamong the different appellate ...
However, the appellate court found little evidence that the defendant was still a threat. In the seven months before charges were filed, defendant had complied with an order of protection, had moved far from the victim and had a baby coming with a new woman. If you have questions about ...