Many scholars and court-reform advocates have argued for moving from the election of judges in Illinois to a merit-selection system. The arguments advanced havedoi:10.2139/ssrn.3032651Alexander, Peter C.Vineyard, GeorgeSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
trying to move it into the Republican column and to potentially swing that district to the GOP side of the ledger. He will be opposed by appellate court judge Mary K. O'Brien, a prominent Democrat who has held a variety of positions at various levels of state government. ...
Cook County Circuit Judge Tracie Porter placed an immediate stay on her decision until Friday "in anticipation of an appeal to the Illinois Appellate Court, First District, or the Illinois Supreme Court." A Trump spokesman responded in a statement, calling Porter's ruling "unco...
Washington —The Supreme Court on Thursday declined to block an Illinois law banning assault-style weapons, leaving the measure in place while proceedings before a federal appellate court continue. The decision from the justices, with no noted dissents, marks the second time they havedeclined to h...
ChiefJusticeGarmanandJusticesFreeman,Thomas,Karmeier, Burke,andTheisconcurredinthejudgmentandopinion. OPINION ¶1Defendant,ChristopherEasley,wasconvictedofunlawfuluseofaweaponbyafelon(720 ILCS5/24-1.1(a)(West2008)),andsentencedtonineyearsinprison.Theappellatecourt ...
Israel's Supreme Court Appellate Jurisdiction: An Empirical Study This Essay reports the results of an empirical study of the Israel Supreme Court (ISC). It covers the outcomes of 3,562 cases (as of this writing), all dec... T Eisenberg,T Fisher,I Rosenzvi - 《Social Science Electronic ...
The second, Illinois’ Family Expense Act, holds parents responsible for the expenses of their minor children. The appellate court held in 2018 that Lewis and Banks were liable under that law for the cost of their children’s lead testing, and Medicaid paying for it was irrelevant because they...
Number of Supreme Court justices 7 How are members of the court selected Elected by partisan elections Number of circut courts 25 Number of appellate courts 5 What is the state bird Cardinal State animal White tailed deer State tree White oak ...
ILLINOISOFFICIALREPORTSAppellateCourtIllinoisInsuranceGuarantyFundv.LibertyMutualInsuranceCo.,2013ILApp(1st)123345AppellateCourt ..
Appellate level justices do have personal preferences for some case outcomes, however, this is tempered by the influence of role expectations, reverence for rules of law and the persuasion of judges and lawyers. The nature of legal commentary and Appellate Court decisions can foretell when the ...