Keep in mind that this error could also mean that a server is temporarily down for maintenance. A 503 error should definitely warrant further investigation. If you don't have access to your server logs, you should contact your ISP to check the status of your server. If you do have access...
public static bool CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls; 欄位值 Boolean 備註 在偵錯組建上,MonoTouch 會強制執行對 UIKit API 進行的呼叫只會從 UIKit 執行緒完成。 這對於找出可能不小心從非 UI 執行緒使用 UIKit 的程式碼很有用,這可能會損毀 UIKit 狀態,而且可能會導致非常難以偵錯問題。...