简介:Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in contextIllegal base64 character 3a,好建议,建一个bug方 好的建议建一个bug解决好的建议列表,这里多看控制台打印的错误提示信息,多学一点英语 今天想要通过传输base64字符串获取数据,结果出现了一个bug 2024-06-01 09:27:11.180 ERROR 18484 --- [ni...
For example, "IllegalArgumentException: Illegal base64 character 2b" happens when a request session id contains "+" and "IllegalArgumentException: Illegal base64 character 3a" happens when a request session id contains ":". Here's an example error message with stack trace: Raw ERROR [io.under...
The code sample is provided contains a VBScript function to parse a string, replacing or removing any character found in the array declared at the beginning of the function.VBScript String Clean Function - Remove/Replace Illegal CharatersThe function was originally writted to remove illegal charact...
If replacing specific characters with something else, the you will need to set inside the finction the string which will replace each character if found. The VBScript function then returns a cleaned string. VBScript String Clean Function - Remove/Replace Illegal CharatersBlogs: SharePoint ...
If replacing specific characters with something else, the you will need to set inside the finction the string which will replace each character if found.The VBScript function then returns a cleaned string.VBScript String Clean Function - Remove/Replace Illegal CharatersBlogs: SharePoint Development ...
The code sample is provided contains a VBScript function to parse a string, replacing or removing any character found in the array declared at the beginning of the function.VBScript String Clean Function - Remove/Replace Illegal Charaters