2. 髂胫束伸展(侧靠位) – Iliotibial Band Stretche (sideway) 侧身站于墙边,受伤的腿靠内侧。手扶墙壁以作支撑。让没有受伤的腿交叉置于受伤腿的前面,保持受伤的下肢的足部稳定。使髋部倚靠向墙壁。保持10秒,回到原来姿势并重复2次。 3. 站位小腿伸展 – Standing Calf Stretch 向墙壁,双手放于墙上和双眼同...
Standing IT Band StretchesStanding iliotibial band stretches can be done almost anywhere making them particularly useful and a great place to start.1. Basic ITB StretchThis is my favourite of all the iliotibial band stretches. It's really easy to do and is very effective....
You won't be able to stretch your IT band, but you can stretch the muscles around it for better flexibility and range of motion. Here are some exercises that you can do a couple of times a day: Standing iliotibial band stretch In a standing position, cross your right leg in front of ...
Quantitative analysis of the relative effectiveness of 3 iliotibial band stretches. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2002;83:589-92. Objective: To compare the relative effectiveness of 3 common standing stretches for the iliotibial band (ITB): arms at side (stretch A), arms extending overhead (stretch B)...
2. 髂胫束伸展(侧靠位) – Iliotibial Band Stretche (sideway) 侧身站于墙边,受伤的腿靠内侧。手扶墙壁以作支撑。让没有受伤的腿交叉置于受伤腿的前面,保持受伤的下肢的足部稳定。使髋部倚靠向墙壁。保持10秒,回到原来姿势并重复2次。 3. 站位小腿伸展 – Standing Calf Stretch ...