The Iliad and the Odyssey were passed down as part of the oral tradition until finally a literate culture wrote them down—probably during the sixth century BCE. No other ancient Greek poet has been so completely preserved. The Greek text of the Iliad is written in dactylic hexameter. The ...
The Iliad covers a relatively short span of time compared to its counterpart, the Odyssey, and other epic stories. Within this brief period, lives are both lost and preserved, battles are fought and won, and the groundwork is set for future endeavors. A universal truth ties all these events...
Homeric scholars might disagree on many things, but I think that all of them would say that the optimal way to readThe IliadandThe Odysseyis to learn Ancient Greek and read from the original. Better yet, one could take this a step further andrecitethese epic poems in Greek as they might...
why is the Iliad so lastingly popular, considerably more so than its opposite number (“for all its well-remembered adventures and faster pace, the Odyssey has always been outsold – out of 590 Homer papyrus fragments recovered in Egypt at the last count, 454 preserve bits of the Iliad“)...
What are the contrasting views of justice in Homer's Iliad, Odyssey, and Aeschylus's The Oresteia (Libation Bearers)? In Homer's works, justice is quite primitive- it involves people making their own decisions about who has done wrong to them and they take the law in their own hands. ...
Homer, (flourished 9th or 8th century bce, Ionia?), ancient Greek poet, presumed author of the Iliad and the Odyssey.