Construction of a temporary stoma is a common adjunct to low anterior resection for rectal cancer and can be accomplished either with loop ileostomy (LI) or loop colostomy (LC) with the question of the most appropriate one still remaining controversial. The aim of this study is to compare ...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COLORECTAL DISEASEOrtiz H (1995) Does the difference in muscle structure of the rectus abdominis muscle of patients wearing a colostomy or ileostomy explain the different frequency of parastomal hernias? Int J Colorectal Dis 10:55 View Article...
While the ideal tool for determining the best method of treatment is a randomized controlled trial, such a trial in this setting would be difficult to conduct for several reasons, such as difficulties in accruing a sufficient number of patients to show any statistical difference. Stoma omission ma...
Stoma-related complications are more frequent after transverse colostomy than loop ileostomy: a prospective randomized clinical trial Br. J. Surg., 88 (2001), pp. 360-363 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar [15] F. Giannakopoulos, A. Veenhof, L. van der Peet, C. Sietses, J. Meijerink, M....
【Keywords】ileostomy;thenurseofcolostomyspecialty;nursingintervention;stressreaction;qualityoflife 结直肠癌是消化系统常见的恶性肿瘤,其中半 数以上的患者需要进行回肠造口,即用人为方法将 肠腔与体外相通 [1] 。回肠造口可给患者的生活造 成极大的不便,多伴随有焦虑抑郁症状,容易造成社 交障碍等心理变化,严重影响...
While the ideal tool for determining the best method of treatment is a randomized controlled trial, such a trial in this setting would be difficult to conduct for several reasons, such as difficulties in accruing a sufficient number of patients to show any statistical difference. Stoma omission ma...
(n= 50) of patients who underwent a colostomy or prophylactic ileostomy. Moreover, a weight loss of 5.2 ± 2.3 kg was present in 28% of stoma patients readmitted to hospital [22]. A reduction of BMI may be developed up to 40 days after hospital discharge [21] while a ...