me..I've mastered the leaks by using alot of adhesive...sometimes at nite I turn on my side and I leak a little but that's not's frustrating..I usually have a towel I sleep on just in may depend on what and where you get your bags-I know in the ...
we are having problems with the bags leaking on the sides.we have checked the seal all around the colostomy bag.we have tried different brands.we don’tknow what the problem is. Loading... Reply Billy Nicol says: April 30, 2015 at 8:05 pm Hello Linda, There are 2 main things th...
Our 16-day trip in the Wind River Range involved hiking in black and grizzly bear country so special food storage regulations were in place. The white bags in this photo are calledUrsack AllMiteys. They are bear- and rodent-proof and are much lighter to carry thanregular plastic bear canis...