The author assumes that (1) etymological data are ethnolinguistically relevant, (2) the task of etymological research is to detect the original meaning of a word (to find the original semantic motivation) and to reach a world that disappeared, but, at the same t...
ILE JEST SP脫JNO艗CI , A ILE EFEKTYWNO艗CI W POLITYCE ROZWOJU OBSZAR脫W WIEJSKICH W POLSCE ?The article analyses funds allocated to the development of rural areas in Poland following its accession to EU from the point of view of the proportion of pro-equality activiti...
Ile kapusty i grochu jest w „grochu z kapustą”The paper focuses on the expression {groch z kapustą} [lit. cabbage and peas], seen integrally as a unit of language. The author discusses the lexicalization process on the basis of available texts and historical dictionaries...
J1NurzJ1RdZTzZzMFL0yx7SReVodBe8neA1XPZQW2ZQYtoKGP+HcVY7Fny7oo0m+Licjycvfzgj+ RrD+qUyeNCmfpBF82gURBannkxwcxJODriboThaazOTQ6DMdK6ZDo4aZmbgUo7h5F6cY2lDMhPeZ KukURMkULMI6UvZS8JJy9H8k2+UvwTz501eCZHfyZ76nxJEsT0nSydhTJukqnyh/klPOT0u5RHmJ T2dVOWFD9VQorbUEK0W60YXqXnU8EgkVCp4qP1ahQ...
Moczuk E., Bajda K., Zdeb N. (2014), Ile bezrobotnego jest w bezrobotnym? Prawno- -socjologiczna analiza pojęcia bezrobotnego w przepisach polskiego prawa, „Ze- szyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Seria Prawnicza", nr 82, s. 112-127....
Reaching for terms and concepts derived from various systems of thought and cultures, Łomanowska considers the fictitious Easter celebration in Llosa's film in numerous contexts of inquiry: theological, religious studies, anthropological and sociological. She draws attention to the syncretic nature of...
Ile jest Ja w emocjach samoświadomościowych? Rodzaj zaangażowania Ja a wstyd, poczucie winy i zakłopotanieIn American literature the dominant conceptualization of shame and guilt is based on self-attributional processes (Lewis, 1992; Tangney and Dearing, 2004; Tracy and Robins, ...
It seems then that it is not the RWA but the contained in the RWA large loading of the conservative-traditional world view which is responsible for ethnocentric attitudes. In the light of the presented results one may claim that the utility of the RWA scale is doubtful.Piotr Radkiewicz...
Ile jest życia w życiu?A review of the play Our Town directed by Szymon Kaczmarek at the IMKA Theater in Warsaw (premiere: 7 March 2011). Kwaniewska describes the performance's meta-theatrical frame in detail, the shift in time from Wilder's text, the changes made by the creators ...