physiological fluids may call on more efficient columns especially when trace amounts of exclusive AAs are intended to be measured. Haynes et al. [18] showed that a 30 AA standard at 100 pmol level could be separated in 28 min. on a 150 × 4.6 mm Spherisorb ODS-2 (3 μm), protected...
Trimetoprim-sulfametoksazole alternatif olarak tikarsilin-kla- vulanat, sefotetan, kloramfenikol, moksalaktam, siprofloksa- sin kullan›labilir1-4,6,17. Ciddi enfeksiyon, nötropeni veya tedavi- ye cevap al›namad›¤› durumlarda antibiyogram sonucuna gö- re genifl spektrum...
PWV is a well-accepted method for the measurement of arterial stiffness and has an independent predictive value for CV events.2 In this study, L-NAME treatment gradually increased PWV over time from 460.0 cm s À1 after 1 week to 572.9 cm s À1 after 4 weeks of treatment. In contrast...