A: ACN/50mM Na.ac. pH=4.2 (20:80) B: ACN/50mM Na.ac pH=4.2 (70:30) 35° fl aut Protein hydrolysates Asp/HO-Pro 22/43 [11] 25×4.6 5 Hypersil ODS A: MeOH/0.7%Na,ac, +0.1%TEA pH=4.2 (50:50) B: MeOH amb fl man <10 Conifer extracts 1 8-GABA/40 [7] 15×...
Ann Pharmacother 2002;36(1):63-6. 7. Moser C, Jønsson V, Thomsen K, Albrectsen J, Hansen MM, Prag J: Subcutaneous lesions and bacteraemia due to stenotrophomo- nas maltophilia in three leukaemic patients with neutropenia. Br J Dermatol 1997;136(6):949-52. 8. Tsao H, Swartz MN...
To prepare aortic rings, thoracic aortae were cut into 2–3-mm lengths after the removal of adherent tissue. The prepared aortic rings were attached to a micro tissue organ bath (MTOB-1, LAB Support, Osaka, Japan) filled with prewarmed Tyrode's solution (10 mmol l À1 NaHCO2, 5.0 ...
Mean PSV of SRA at 1st week (9.2±3.4cm/s) had decre- ased compared to pre-treatment values (10.9±5.6cm/s), but difference was not statistically signi- ficant (p=0.463). Change in RI values of SRA before (0.75±0.11), and 1 week after (0.76±0.07) treatment was not ...
ZBe05chY0mXdkAy69HCbbJc5m3TOlpd01kkCDbMtZzbag9Nqj1AfqDdyHXKcXSV3+ZkmvJDnfEkT SdokjYImp8kl5KEp2zJXWZuzY59T7Lm7UOYeatdr+R56lV+dVX4/TMscXkoeHdL9cKQuj/Dorpa8 0lhy7uYaxnhogoR2I3h2jp57z7sSQ6QSuwfj4SDSWSKKHc4lTUmTFrpMtEOkpBzKoyzLQvyNaTNe A37u1++e/k0naLoHr4eYR2V5/b0Yvs0P4h8M...