Mean PSV of SRA at 1st week (9.2±3.4cm/s) had decre- ased compared to pre-treatment values (10.9±5.6cm/s), but difference was not statistically signi- ficant (p=0.463). Change in RI values of SRA before (0.75±0.11), and 1 week after (0.76±0.07) treatment was not ...
1). Fig. 1 The REAtouch® device. Upper part. 3D modeling of the REAtouch® device. Lower part. Illustration of REAtouch®-based sessions during a HABIT-ILE intervention in children with unilateral CP Full size image The REAtouch® is a virtual device designed to provide a visual ...
Aim of this research is to examine the relationship between secondary school students' body image and eating attitudes. METHOD: The sample of the research was composed of 485 secondary school students. The research data were collected using a questionnaire, the Body Image Test and the Eating ...
Trimetoprim-sulfametoksazole alternatif olarak tikarsilin-kla- vulanat, sefotetan, kloramfenikol, moksalaktam, siprofloksa- sin kullan›labilir1-4,6,17. Ciddi enfeksiyon, nötropeni veya tedavi- ye cevap al›namad›¤› durumlarda antibiyogram sonucuna gö- re genifl spektrum...
"y_test = dense_to_one_hot(train_labels_flat-1, train_labels_count)\n", "y_test = y_test.astype(np.uint8)\n", "\n", "print(y_test.shape)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 15, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stderr", "output...
Subscription Required. Please recommend JoVE to your librarian. Protocol 1. numune hazırlama için P-tan SDS-sayfası Kaldırmak ve hücreleri bir emme kullanarak yetiştirilmektedir 10 cm yemekleri medyadan atmak ve 5 mL Dulbecco'nın fosfat tamponlu tuz (DPBS) t...
ZBe05chY0mXdkAy69HCbbJc5m3TOlpd01kkCDbMtZzbag9Nqj1AfqDdyHXKcXSV3+ZkmvJDnfEkT SdokjYImp8kl5KEp2zJXWZuzY59T7Lm7UOYeatdr+R56lV+dVX4/TMscXkoeHdL9cKQuj/Dorpa8 0lhy7uYaxnhogoR2I3h2jp57z7sSQ6QSuwfj4SDSWSKKHc4lTUmTFrpMtEOkpBzKoyzLQvyNaTNe A37u1++e/k0naLoHr4eYR2V5/b0Yvs0P4h8M...
Cerrahi servisinde insizyonel herni nedeniyle müra- caat eden hastalardan obez olanlar (BMI>35kg/m2) ve herni de-fekti 10 cm üstündekiler çal›flma kapsam›na al›nd›. 1. grup (n=35); abdominoplasti+prolen mesh onar›m yap›lan ve 2. grup sadece prolen mesh ile...