Intraocular lymphoma: a series of 14 patients with clinicopathologi- cal features and treatment outcomes, Eye 2003;17:513- 521. 19. Eby NL, Grufferman S, Flannelly CM, et al. Increasing incidence of primary brain lymphoma in the U.S. Cancer 1988;62:2641-2665. 20. Schabet M. ...
The aim of this study is to report the first case in the literature of strangulated small bowel hernia within a prolapsed stoma in which we retained the old proximal limb of the ileostomy and made up a colostomy with the distal limb after performing an ileo caecal resection. In summary,...
【关键词】丙酮酸激酶;系谱;突变;遗传Anal ysi s ofm utati onH ospi tal , TheSecondM i l i tary M edi cal U ni versi ty, ShanghaiCorrespondi ngabl thor.’ FuW ei /un.Em ai l .‘向w eUun2010@ hotm ai l , corn【Abstract】O bj ecti veTo screenpotenti alm utati on andexpl...
To better understand the role of central AII in cardiovascular regulation, we used 125I-[Sar1, Ile8]-AII (125I-SI-AII), radioactive AII antagonist, to autoradiographically localize putative AII receptor binding in many parts of the central nervous system of the spontaneously hypertensive (SHR...