In addition, the existence of a correlation between subjective age and self-esteem was discovered, which may indicate the protective function of having a reduced subjective age.LUZEK, NATALIABACHNIO, ALEKSANDRAAnnales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio J. Paed...
Metilen Mavisi Boyar Maddesinin Sulu zeltilerden Doal Limonitik Laterit ile Uzaklatrlmasdoi:10.29137/umagd.1372506The aim of this study is to investigate the removal of methylene blue from wastewater using natural limonitic laterite. For this purpose, the factors affecting ...
Arap Zamk Modifiyeli Manyetik Nanopartiküller ile Sulu zeltilerden Kromat iyonlarnn Uzaklatrlmasdoi:10.7212/karaelmasfen.1421942GUM arabicADSORPTION capacityMAGNETIC nanoparticlesMETALLURGYHYDROXYL groupToday, metallurgy, galvanizing, leather tanning, etc. the widespread use of chromium ...