vivado使用ILA抓包以及出现[IP_Flow 19-3805] Failed to generate and synthesize debug IPs. u_ila_0_synth_1/u_ila_0.dcp": no such file or directory问题解决 vivado进行仿真: 检查问题,使用vivado的ILA进行抓包,网上搜了很多,好多都没写到自己需要的东西,把找到了进行总结: 1. “language templates”选...
[Synth 8-5788] Register Packet_header_reg in module RXDDSP is has both Set and reset with same priority. This may cause simulation mismatches. 解决方法:在复位时将寄存器Packet_header_reg的初值设置为0; 2、redeclaration of ansi port ClkOut is not allowed 解决方法:在程序设计过程中出现了变量的重...
I also tried for instantiating "ila_0" in my design, but failing in "opt_design" stage saying "ERROR: [Synth 8-439] module 'ila_v6_2_5_ila' not found" . ERROR: [Synth 8-285] failed synthesizing module 'ila_0'. Hence please suggest one good method for using ILA in batch mode....
ERROR: [IP_Flow 19-3805] Failed to generate and synthesize debug IPs. error copying "/prj/qca/cores/zealis/sandiego/scratch01/workspaces/kdoshi/kdoshi_cnss_hamilton_1.0_dev9/emu/kdoshi/hz_dv_emu_top/analyze/hamilton_FPGA_64M_div32_E6_V1_2M_DXM_03_30_2021/synth/hamilton_FPGA_64M_div...