求助一下,汉化报错了..我把最新的文件都导入进去了,可是报错了。大家看看有没有相同的问题,该怎么解决?报错:il2cpp init detour failed: It was not possible to find a c
Was able to see the Start Screen. Describe the issue. When attempting to play Bloons TD 6 with MelonLoader v0.6.0 ALPHA Pre-Release installed, I get the following error: il2cpp_init detour failed: One of the dependent libraries is missing. ...
1.报错弹窗:il2cpp_init detour failed: One of the dependent libraries is missing 解决方法:安装.NET 6.0即可。 2.报错弹窗:[NewEntryPoint] Caught exception invoking Initialize!Sysem.IO.IOException 解决方法:请升级您的电脑系统,因为Windows 7系统无法使用。 3.汉化加载错误(不包括小范围的汉化缺失) 解决方...