T(H)2 celleosinophilmast cellinterleukinairway hyperreactivityimmunostimulatory sequenceAmong the asthma clinical trials published over the last several years, a unique subset has focused on novel means for inhibiting the airway inflammation that is believed to cause airway obstruction in many patients. ...
一、相关结构与受体IL-21是常见的细胞因子受体γ链家族成员,是一种四α螺旋束Ⅰ型的细胞因子。人IL-21基因定位于4q26-27,编码162个氨基酸组成的Il-21多肽前体。IL-21的成熟蛋白为133个氨基酸(相对分子质量约为15000 Da)。人IL-21编码基因距离IL-2编码基因仅有约180kbp,而IL-15则位于稍远一点的4q31。I...
Novo Nordisk A/S 研发的IL-21单抗,进行了新诊断1型糖尿病、RA、SLE和克罗恩病的临床研究。 NCT02443155 A Clinical Proof-of-principle Trial in Adult Subjects With Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Investigating the Effect of NNC0114-0006 and Liraglutide ...
NCT02443155 A Clinical Proof-of-principle Trial in Adult Subjects With Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Investigating the Effect of NNC0114-0006 and Liraglutide on Preservation of Beta-cell Function。 不过只是轻微的改善疾病,可能原因是CD4+T产生更多的IL-21或者其他细胞因子的旁观者作用。
参考文献: [1]Parrish-Novak J, Dillon SR, Nelson A, Hammond A, Sprecher C, Gross JA, Johnston J, Madden K, Xu W, West J. Interleukin 21 and its receptor are involved in NK cell expansion and regulation of lymphocyte function. Nature. 2000;408:57-63. [2]孙稳平, 李云岗, 王会波. ...
2.Zeng, R., et al., Synergy of IL-21 and IL-15 in regulating CD8+ T cell expansion and function. J Exp Med, 2005. 201(1): p. 139-48. 3.Denman, C.J., et al., Membrane-bound IL-21 promotes sustained ex vivo proliferation of human natural killer cells. PLoS One, 2012. 7(...
IL-21是一种新发现的细胞因子,结构上与IL-2、IL-15相似,可调控T细胞、B细胞增殖,影响NK细胞的分化成熟及其胞毒效应,并参与造血系统的发育;其受体IL-21R 与部分细胞因子共用γ链(γc),可能参与性连锁严重联合免疫缺陷(XSCID)的发病.
Antiretroviral drugs can suppress HIV for years, but a residual inflammatory imbalance contributes to health problems in infected individuals who are infected with the virus. A novel combination treatment aimed at repairing the immune system has shown en
[1] Chiossone, Laura et al. “Molecular analysis of the methylprednisolone-mediated inhibition of NK-cell function: evidence for different susceptibility of IL-2- versus IL-15-activated NK cells.” Blood vol.[2] 李焱,叶敬伟,郭晓玲.IL-12、IL-15对急性髓系白血病患者骨髓来源CD34+白血病细胞转化...