il-17 signaling pathway翻译 il-17signalingpathway翻译:IL-17信号通路
结论 IL-17 信号通路在回归热疏螺旋体感染诱导的中枢神经系 统疾病中起重要作用 。[ 关键词 ] IL-17 信号通路 ; 回归热 ; 疏螺旋体 ; 神经症状冲图分类号 ] R514.1 [ 文献标识码 ] A [ 文章编号 ] 1673-7210(2021)04(a)-0004-05Roles of IL-17 signaling pathway in the development of relapsing...
黄芪甲苷可能通过抑制IL-23/IL-17信号通路发挥抗VMC作用,且具有剂量依赖性。 关键词:黄芪甲苷;病毒性心肌炎;白介素-23;白介素-17 InhibitionofviralmyocarditisbyAstragalosidethroughIL-23/IL-17signalingpathwayLIUDanli,LIUHaiying, GAOShunli(DepartmentofPediatrics,TheFirstAffiliatedHospital,UniversityofSouthChina,He...
IL17信号通路研究背景 IL-17家族有6个成员:IL-17A至F,而IL-17受体家族由5个成员组成:IL-17RA至IL-17RE。IL-17RA是一种常见的受体,与IL-17RB、IL-17RC和IL-17RE结合形成异二聚体复合物。到目前为止,所有的IL-17受体都募集Act1作为下游信号的衔接分子。IL-17A和IL-17F通过IL-17RA-RC复合物发出信号,...
IL-17 signaling pathway The interleukin 17 (IL-17) family, a subset of cytokines consisting of IL-17A-F, plays crucial roles in both acute and chronic inflammatory responses. IL-17A, the hallmark cytokine of the newly defined T helper 17 (TH17) cell subset, has important roles in protectin...
Inflammation is a complex response involving many different cells and signaling molecules, including the secretion of the cytokine IL-17 by activated T cells. IL-17 secretion is restricted to specific subsets of T cells but the receptor for IL-17 is widely expressed throughout the body, including...
Overall, the IL-17 signaling pathway was significantly enriched for upregulated genes in two Chinese datasets while not in TCGA datasets; and IL17RC, MAPK3, S100A8, MMP3, CXCL8, and TNFA1P3 were hub genes regulating such pathway. Therein, IL17RC might be the most important one and the...
Figure 1. IL-17 signaling pathway in SPP1+ macrophages drives digestive tract cancer (DTC) progression. (A) The volcano plot of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in DTCs. (B) Co-expression of DEGs in DTCs was detected by Venn diagram. (C) Protein-protein interaction analysis of common...
may also activate the IL-23/IL-17 signaling pathway by stimulating Th17 cell immunity and exacerbating the inflammatory response. Previous research in older patients has confirmed that TLR7/IL-23/IL-17 signaling activation is associated with lung infections,17but currently, the authors have no clear...
Moreover, hsa_circ_0078136 overexpression lowered the protein levels of cytokine ligand molecules of IL-17 signaling pathway in RB cell lines. In vivo, hsa_circ_0078136 overexpression in subcutaneous tumor xenografts reduced tumor growth. We also observed that EIF4A3 binds to the downstream ...