Michael Weilguny Michal Pyda Michele Bertucco Michele Fiore Michie Stadium Michigan Michigan Athletics Michigan Stadium Michigan State Michigan State University Mick de Brenni Microsoft Microsoft Azure Microsoft Cloud Middle East Middlesex County Cricket Club Midlands Hurricanes Midway Rising Midway Village+ ...
Inference of macromolecular assemblies from crystalline state. J. Mol. Biol. 372, 774–797 (2007). 60. The PyMOL Molecular Graphics System, Version 1.6.0 Schro¨dinger, LLC. (2010). 61. Geromanos, S. J. et al. The detection, correlation, and comparison of peptide precursor and product...
A search of the known human IL-33 sequence using FindPep (expasy.org) was made assuming that the 2,496 Da precursor ion is composed of an IL-33 related peptide that has incorporated a single biotin modification, such that the peptide mass is 1,963 Da (2,496–533 Da). Epitope mapping...
22. The prodrug of claim 21, wherein the knobs-into-holes mutations comprise a T366Y “knob” mutation on a polypeptide chain of the Fc domain or a heavy chain of the antibody, and a Y407T “hole” mutation in the other polypeptide of the Fc domain or the other heavy chain of the...
I OT|APTER Vrr I rnE stcNtFtcANcE I OF BTOLOCTCAL RADTATTONS rN Brolocy. JI MEDICINE AND AGRICULTURE A. LrtrrCEr,LItLA-R OROAr\ISMS JI (l) Emission at Diffe #ffi;#,i,:'ffi",i'j,'f"*",i;,j:n,u ilniJ"1i;" I "".IJ I I II I J"*"i.I I , i' il ;;' nga...
This search is not case-sensitive. Partial matches are not supported. Query query string Specifies a query for matching taxonomy node values using a wildcard (*) search, providing partial matches for the display identifier or description. Node State enabled_state string Specifies to return ...
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Michael Weilguny Michal Pyda Michele Bertucco Michele Fiore Michie Stadium Michigan Michigan Athletics Michigan Stadium Michigan State Michigan State University Mick de Brenni Microsoft Microsoft Azure Microsoft Cloud Middle East Middlesex County Cricket Club Midlands Hurricanes Midway Rising Midway Village+ ...
Protein:protein interactions are fundamental in living organism homeostasis. Here we introduce VHH6, a junctional epitope antibody capable of specifically recognizing a neo-epitope when two proteins interact, albeit transiently, to form a complex. Orthog