for 'the Ci,ty of GTeenbelt, Mary'la111d; to Ap- ll)ropri-alte Funds and E stablish Real ·E state and , Per sonal Pro- perty Ta x ,Rates f or tJhe Fiscal Year 'Beg inning July 1, 1986 and endimg June 30, 1987 - F irs't Readi ng, Su•.sipensio11 of t'he Rules...
The Ulster-Scots Agency launched a review of its grant aid programmes in order to streamline their requirements for funding, as the demand for said funding continued to grow. Foras na Gaeilge continued its work on rationalising the core-funded sector and the Development Committee, established in...
The requirements of this chapter shall include any additional amendments to the 2021 International Fire Code. (9) Chapter 11 ACCESSIBILITY is deleted and replaced as follows: ILLINOIS ACCESSIBILITY CODE (10) Chapter 13 ENERGY EFFICIENCY is deleted and replaced as follows: CHAPTER 13...