LICENSE pom.xml Repository files navigation README LGPL-3.0 license cryptopals Solutions to all cryptopals problems: Sets 1-7, Set 8. The only dependency on top of standard JRE 8 runtime is that on Lombok. The project runs on all subsequent versions of the Java platform such...
$last_update = ilDiskQuotaChecker::_lookupDiskUsageReportLastUpdate();if($last_update ==null) {// nothing to do if disk usage report has not been run$this->tpl->setVariable('LAST_UPDATE_TEXT', $lng->txt('disk_quota_report_not_run_yet'));return; }else{$this->tpl->setVariable('L...
$and ="AND usr_id = '". $a_user_id ."'";break; }if(!($members = ilObjGroup::_getMembers($ilObjDataCache->lookupObjId($a_ref_id))) {returnfalse; } $query ="SELECT * FROM usr_data as ud "."WHERE usr_id IN (". implode(",", ilUtil::quoteArray($members)) .") ". $...
ILAst Pattern ILAst.txt ILSpyAboutPage.txt ILSpyAboutPage_zh_Hans.txt IntPtr.txt Pattern Matching.html Resources.txt copyright.txt license.txt third-party-notices.txt .editorconfig .git-blame-ignore-revs .gitattributes ...
the mean value. Panel a created with released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International license. Full size image To confirm that LRP6 interaction is mediating the previously-characterized enhanced in vivo brain potency of AAV9-X1.1 in primates20, we ...
Double-board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Renee Burke helps patients feel naturally beautiful with surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic enhancement.
$mapping_status = ilECSMappingUtils::lookupMappingStatus($this->getServer()->getServerId(),$this->getMid(), (int) $_REQUEST['tid']); $mapping_advanced = $mapping_status != ilECSMappingUtils::MAPPED_MANUAL ?true:false;// Status (readonly)$status =newilNonEditableValueGUI($this->lng-...
$xml ='';include_once'Modules/Forum/classes/class.ilForumXMLWriter.php';if(ilObject::_lookupType($a_id) =='frm') { $writer =newilForumXMLWriter(); $writer->setForumId($a_id); ilUtil::makeDirParents($this->getAbsoluteExportDirectory()); ...
LICENSE Makefile aes256.c aes256.h demo.c Repository files navigation README MIT license A byte-oriented AES-256 implementation Here is a compact implementation of AES-256 in C. It uses only a byte type and is portable enough to fit even an 8-bit computer. It also...
This template can run on any region, assuming that the LAMP AMI's are correct from the CDK lookup. Deployment Download the latest release yaml template file. Log in to the AWS console Go to CloudFormation service Create new stack and upload the yaml file you downloaded. Allow the template ...