9 of the following year signed into law the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act. That law was immediately followed up by the Highway Safety Act. These two pieces of legislation put the government in charge of creating and upholding safety standards for cars and U.S. roadways. [...
* Black Sails XXXVII: Training Nemesis and the Battle for Narrative Control* The thing that really stood out for me this episode is how very much Flint and Silver care about each other and how much that hurts them both.( Cut for length: )*** Full list of Resistance and charity links...
iv. Enforcement. We reserve the right to deny content if it exceeds limits on storage or file size allowed by the Service. We may block, remove or decline to display content if it appears to violate our Code of Conduct or another Service policy or where required by law. If you violate ...
In democratic and semi-democratic societies, where citizens have meaningful influ- ence over the actions of their government, the political context of digital activism can be understood in terms of law and regula- tion. However, repressive and authoritarian governments do not limit themselves to ...